Code of Ethics

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Adopted September 30, 1997 by the Board of Trustees

"The trustees of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library affirm loyalty to the purpose and mission of the organization, namely to operate a museum for the general public, and to collect, research, care for and interpret materials and artifacts pertinent to the Korean War. This loyalty shall not be compromised by conflicts of interest--actual, potential, or perceived. No individual trustee or museum staff person shall use his or her position in the organization for personal gain or to benefit another at the expense of the museum, its reputation, and the society it serves. The trustees of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library affirm they will protect and enhance the museum's collections and programs and its physical, human, and financial resources. Trustees shall act corporately, not as individuals, to fulfill their trusteeship, using all the organization's resources in support of the museum's purpose and mission. Shared roles are recognized and separate responsibilities are respected. At all times, professional standards and practices shall be used as guidelines for the policies which are created by the trustees and used in the daily operation of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library. The trustees of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library affirm that all collections in its custody shall support the organization's purpose and mission. They shall be protected, secured, unencumbered, cared for, and preserved. All collections in the care of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library shall be accounted for and documented. Access to the collections and related information shall be permitted, but also closely regulated because protection of the artifacts is the organization's highest priority. Acquisition, disposal, and loan activities shall be conducted with the highest standard of ethics and at no individual financial gain whatsoever to trustees and/or museum staff members. Disposal of collections through sale, trade, or research activities shall be solely for the advancement of the museum's purpose and mission, but in no event shall proceeds of the sale of artifacts be used for anything other than acquisition or direct care of collections. The trustees of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library affirm that its programs shall be accessible to all, founded on scholarship, and marked by intellectual integrity. They shall support the organization's purpose and mission and public trust responsibilities, as well as encourage participation by the widest possible audience, respecting pluralistic values, traditions, and concerns."

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